«Ma se sei un somaro, cosa c'entra Dio?». Giovanni Trapattoni, ct cattolico anche in panchina - sua la boccetta di acqua santa quando guidava l'Italia - lo diceva ai suoi giocatori appena li sentiva bestemmiare per un errore in campo. Ora che guida la nazionale della cattolicissima Irlanda e il sindacato calciatori internazionale critica l'Italia perchè limita la libertà di espressione inasprendo le sanzioni sportive contro la blasfemie, non nasconde la sua sorpresa. «Cosa dice il codice civile? Non so se si può parlare di libertà di espressione per una bestemmia. Però vietiamo il fumo in panchina, per educare i giovani, e poi consentiamo espressioni del genere? Mi sembra strano»
"But if you're a donkey, it is pointless to God?". Giovanni Trapattoni, ct Catholic even on the bench - his bottle of holy water when the lead Italy - he said to his players just heard them swear by a mistake in the field. Now that leads the national catholic Ireland and the international players' union criticizes Italy because it restricts the freedom of expression, reinforcing the sporting sanctions against blasphemy, does not hide his surprise. "What does the Civil Code? I do not know if we can speak of freedom of expression for a curse. However, prohibited smoking on the bench, to educate young people, and then we allow expressions like that? Seems odd
"But if you're a donkey, it is pointless to God?". Giovanni Trapattoni, ct Catholic even on the bench - his bottle of holy water when the lead Italy - he said to his players just heard them swear by a mistake in the field. Now that leads the national catholic Ireland and the international players' union criticizes Italy because it restricts the freedom of expression, reinforcing the sporting sanctions against blasphemy, does not hide his surprise. "What does the Civil Code? I do not know if we can speak of freedom of expression for a curse. However, prohibited smoking on the bench, to educate young people, and then we allow expressions like that? Seems odd
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