Il flop ha provocato la reazione stizzita di una parte dei tifosi. Un gruppo di sostenitori, tra coloro che possono parcheggiare la propria auto all'interno dell'Arena Barueri, è arrivato a pochi metri dal pullman della squadra: è cominciata la contestazione nei confronti dei giocatori e, in particolare, di Ronaldo. «Ciccione», ha urlato qualcuno tra i 20-30 sostenitori delusi dal rendimento del centravanti. Dopo lo strepitoso 2009, infatti, Ronaldo non riesce ad esprimersi all'altezza delle aspettative. Contro il Paulista, in particolare, l'attaccante ha sprecato diverse occasioni da gol. La reazione del fuoriclasse ha alzato ulteriormente la tensione. Il clima è diventato rovente, poliziotti e membri del servizio d'ordine hanno dovuto creare un cordone di sicurezza per evitare pericolosi contatti ravvicinati.
«Non ho fatto nessun gesto nei confronti dei tifosi del Corinthians, che mi hanno adottato e mi sostengono da quando sono arrivato qui. Il gesto era rivolto a una persona che mi ha offeso nel parcheggio per motivi personali», ha detto Ronaldo nel tentativo di ridimensionare il caso. «Mi scuso se qualche tifoso del Corinthians si è sentito offeso. Ci tengo a ribadire la stima e l'affetto per chi mi ha trattato benissimo sin dal primo momento», ha ripetuto. Le critiche alla squadra, ha aggiunto, sono motivate. «Capisco il malumore dei tifosi, accettiamo le critiche. Io ho sbagliato gol facili, ma ho le spalle larghe e vado avanti. Ora ci aspetta il big match casalingo con il San Paolo, abbiamo bisogno del sostegno della nostra torcida in campionato e in Coppa Libertadores, dove stiamo andando molto bene», ha concluso il centravanti dalle pagine del sito ufficiale del Timao.
Corinthians lost, the fans insulting the "fat" Ronaldo and the 'phenomenon responds by showing the middle finger. Torcida strained relations between the 'Tima and the center forward after the match they lost 1-0 at home to modest Paulista. The k.o. arrived in the 16th day of the championship of the state of Sao Paulo, where Corinthians occupies the fifth position in 9 points behind leaders Santos.
The flop has caused the angry reaction of some of the fans. A group of supporters, the people who can park their cars inside the Arena Barueri, arrived a few meters from the bus team: it started the protest against the players and, in particular, Ronaldo. "Fat Man," shouted someone in the 20-30 supporters disappointed by the performance of the center-forward. After the great 2009, in fact, Ronaldo fails to speak to expectations. Against Paulista, in particular, the attacker has wasted several scoring chances. The reaction of the star players has raised further tension. The weather has become hot, policemen and members of the security detail had to create a security cordon to prevent dangerous close contact.
"I have made no gesture towards the fans of Corinthians, which I have adopted and support me since I arrived here. The gesture was directed to a person who has offended me in the parking lot for personal reasons, "said Ronaldo in an attempt to downsize the case. "I apologize if some fan of the Corinthians felt offended. I want to reiterate the esteem and affection for those who treated me very well from the start, "he repeated. The criticism of the team, he added, are motivated. "I understand the mood of the fans, we accept the criticism. I have the wrong goals easier, but I have broad shoulders and go forward. Now we tackle the big home match with St. Paul, we need the support of our torcida in the league and Copa Libertadores, where we are going very well, "concluded the center-forward from the pages of the official website of Timao.
The flop has caused the angry reaction of some of the fans. A group of supporters, the people who can park their cars inside the Arena Barueri, arrived a few meters from the bus team: it started the protest against the players and, in particular, Ronaldo. "Fat Man," shouted someone in the 20-30 supporters disappointed by the performance of the center-forward. After the great 2009, in fact, Ronaldo fails to speak to expectations. Against Paulista, in particular, the attacker has wasted several scoring chances. The reaction of the star players has raised further tension. The weather has become hot, policemen and members of the security detail had to create a security cordon to prevent dangerous close contact.
"I have made no gesture towards the fans of Corinthians, which I have adopted and support me since I arrived here. The gesture was directed to a person who has offended me in the parking lot for personal reasons, "said Ronaldo in an attempt to downsize the case. "I apologize if some fan of the Corinthians felt offended. I want to reiterate the esteem and affection for those who treated me very well from the start, "he repeated. The criticism of the team, he added, are motivated. "I understand the mood of the fans, we accept the criticism. I have the wrong goals easier, but I have broad shoulders and go forward. Now we tackle the big home match with St. Paul, we need the support of our torcida in the league and Copa Libertadores, where we are going very well, "concluded the center-forward from the pages of the official website of Timao.
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