Saranno Perugia, Ternana, Arezzo e Sangiovannese le quattro squadre protagoniste della quarta edizione del «Trofeo Annibale Cartaginese» in programma il 3 e il 5 aprile a Tuoro sul Trasimeno e riservato alla categoria Berretti. Sabato 3 si svolgeranno le due semifinali: alle 15 la sfida tra le squadre toscane ed alle 17 quella tra le due umbre. Lunedi alle 15 verrà disputata la finale per il terzo posto ed alle 17 la finalissima. La manifestazione è promossa dall' Unione Polisportiva Tuoro e dalla locale amministrazione comunale e - come è stato ricordato oggi in una conferenza stampa allo Stadio Curi - avrà finalità benefiche. Il ricavato verrà infatti devoluto all'associazione «Solidarietà in Buone Mani». «Questo torneo ci aiuta al di là dell' aspetto economico - ha detto padre Giuliano Faralli, responsabile della stessa associazone - in quanto ci permette al tempo stesso di promuovere l' importanza della solidarietà e soprattutto di illustrare la concretezza dei progetti che portiamo avanti. Vogliamo contribuire a diffondere tra i giovani un messaggio che ci permetta di superare l' indifferenza con la quale molto spesso ci scontriamo». Il vicesindaco di Tuoro, Lorenzo Borgia, ha detto che «il torneo si inserisce in un più ampio progetto di divulgazione storica e culturale della Battaglia del Trasimeno»
Will Perugia, Terni, Arezzo and Sangiovannese the four teams in the fourth edition of the protagonists "Hannibal Catrthaginian Trophy "scheduled for 3 and 5 April in Tuoro sul Trasimeno and reserved category Berets. Saturday 3 the two semifinals will take place: at 15 the challenge between the teams with the Tuscan and Umbrian 17 that between the two. 15 will be played Monday at the final for the third place and 17 to the final. The event is promoted by the EU 'Polisportiva Tuoro and the local municipal administration and - as has been said today in a press conference at the Curi stadium - will have a beneficial purpose. The proceeds will be donated to the association "Solidarity in Good Hands." "This tournament helps us beyond the 'economics - said father Julian Faralli, head of the organization itself - because we can at the same time promote the' importance of solidarity and above all to demonstrate the practicality of the projects we pursue. We want to help spread a message among young people that enables us to overcome 'indifference with which we encounter very often. " The deputy mayor of Tuoro, Lorenzo Borgia, said that "the tournament is part of a larger project of historical and cultural dissemination of the Battle of Trasimeno"
Will Perugia, Terni, Arezzo and Sangiovannese the four teams in the fourth edition of the protagonists "Hannibal Catrthaginian Trophy "scheduled for 3 and 5 April in Tuoro sul Trasimeno and reserved category Berets. Saturday 3 the two semifinals will take place: at 15 the challenge between the teams with the Tuscan and Umbrian 17 that between the two. 15 will be played Monday at the final for the third place and 17 to the final. The event is promoted by the EU 'Polisportiva Tuoro and the local municipal administration and - as has been said today in a press conference at the Curi stadium - will have a beneficial purpose. The proceeds will be donated to the association "Solidarity in Good Hands." "This tournament helps us beyond the 'economics - said father Julian Faralli, head of the organization itself - because we can at the same time promote the' importance of solidarity and above all to demonstrate the practicality of the projects we pursue. We want to help spread a message among young people that enables us to overcome 'indifference with which we encounter very often. " The deputy mayor of Tuoro, Lorenzo Borgia, said that "the tournament is part of a larger project of historical and cultural dissemination of the Battle of Trasimeno"
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